Capital Alliance of Young Professionals, Inc. (CAYP) is the pioneering independent organization dedicated to enriching the lives of young and young-at-heart professionals living and working in New York’s Capital Region.
For many professionals in their 20s and 30s, going into business for themselves, or working their way up in a large company, can be daunting when most of their colleagues and counterparts are 40 and above.
CAYP is solely dedicated to providing its members with quality networking events highlighting the Capital Region’s premier social venues while maintaining a low-stress environment.
Networking Socials are held once a month and encourage a diverse group of young professionals to network comfortably and at their own pace.
It’s no secret that the more people you know, the more potential you have to grow professionally and socially.
Membership in CAYP is open to any professional, including but not limited to: accountants, doctors, entrepreneurs, financial advisors, real estate agents, journalists, executive assistants, nurses, sales people, and government employees. The target age group is 21 to 39, however, as long as you feel young, you are welcome!
The annual cost for membership is $50 and offers the following benefits:
*Discounted event fees that result in a savings greater than the annual cost of membership
*Opportunity to attend quarterly planning meetings with our Board of Directors to share ideas and discuss the operations of CAYP
Place Categories: Organizations