Local. Hand-made. High quality.
* Fresh Produce: vegetables, herbs, berries, tree fruit
* Meat, Poultry, Dairy: beef, Bison, pork, chicken, eggs, milk, cheese
* Baked Goods: artisan breads, pies, cakes, cookies, pastries
* Condiments and Preserves: jams, jellies, relishes, hot sauces, salsa
* Sweeteners and Sweets: honey, maple syrup, chocolates and candies
* Catered Meals: soups, stews, sandwiches and entrees
* Flowers and Plants: cut & potted flowers, potted herbs, bedding plants
* Household Items: soaps, lotions, cleaning products, textiles
* Artisan Wares: pottery, wool and knitted goods, paper, photography
Place Categories: Farms & Orchards